Techniques for Dealing with Disruptive Behaviour in School

Disruptive behaviour can really be bothersome in public and public school classrooms as well as home school environments. Some hope that foul play in the classroom will fade away if it is ignored, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. 

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Here are some key strategies to help manage misbehavior and keep students focused on learning.

Become Comfortable with your own Authority
Some students who have behaviour issues can pick up on insecurity or hesitance when it comes to authority. Here are a few tips for establishing and maintaining classroom authority:

  §  Be careful of the personal image that you project. Are you a force to be reckoned with?
  §  Don’t become defensive or angry when a student challenges you.
  §  Listen to the child’s point of view. Validation of an aggressor’s feelings is a classic psychological method for diffusing anger.

Establish a Mutual Understanding
“What could I have said that could have made things better?” This question has probably crossed every teachers mind at some point.

The truth is, we don’t always know how to handle tough behavioural situations. What we can do is establish a bond with kids and think deeply about what behaviour problems might occur in order to stop it before. One simple technique is known as mirroring. One person subtly copies the body language of another; a mutual understanding will then build between the two.

Differentiate Instruction
Students who become bored by material that is too easy can get unruly quite quickly. Students who become frustrated or angered by difficult material can also lash out.Here are some tips on integrating differentiated instructions in the classroom:

  §  Use rubrics to measure achievement and tailor lessons accordingly.
  §  Provide group time. Students who collaborate learn that they each have something valuable to share.
  §  Incorporate lessons that touch on Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Spatial, Musical, Logical, Verbal and Kinesthetic.

Disruptive behaviour is a fact of life, it’s going to happen. But if it is happening too often, perhaps environment, instruction or the curriculum is playing a role.
