10 Study Methods that actually work

Studying the right way doesn’t just happen by chance. Educators and psychologists have spent years researching study methods to find the most effective way to study. If you are a student and you follow these methods you will find that it is much easier to learn, remember material and you will save hours of study time. The Assisted Learning Centre is a great example of a college that encourages all the right study methods, contact them today.

 The ten study methods researchers have found that work are:

1. Making and keeping a study schedule
You need to set aside certain hours of each day for study, just as you do for eating and for sleeping. Try to keep the same schedule from day-to-day. The amount of time needed for study will be different for every person based on skills and the subject you are studying. The ideal amount of study time would be two hours each day for each hour you spend in class. The real work happens after class!

2. Studying in an appropriate setting
If you have problems with concentrating, then the right surrounding will help you a lot. Your desk or table should be in a quiet place, away from any distractions. You will find that you concentrate better when you study in the same place every day. Think about when you sit on the couch to watch TV – it’s a mindset. You need to do this for studying too; it will improve your concentration.

3. Equipping your study area
Your study desk or table should always be equipped with all the materials that you need, like pens, pencils, rulers, notepads, paper, snacks and some liquid. When you have all your materials at hand, you can study properly without any interruptions.

4. Not relying on inspiration for motivation
Can you imagine an athlete in the Olympics waiting for inspiration to strike so he can practice and prepare for the upcoming events? NO. You have to train every day to stay competitive whether you want to or not. Just like an athlete you must get in training for tests and exams by doing assignments and preparing daily.

5. Keeping a well-kept notebook
There is definitely a relationship between orderliness and high grades. Knowing where to find your materials when you need them is extremely important. Try to keep a special section for each different subject, as well as a calendar to write down when all your important assignments are due. A well-kept notebook is part of good time management, you don’t want to waste time looking for a lost assignment.

6.Keeping a record of assignments
Always put it down, including the details, and keep it in your notebook. Knowing just what you are expected to do and when you are expected to do it is the first step toward completing important assignments successfully and on time.

7. Making use of “Trade Secrets”
Believe it or not, but flashcards aren’t just for kids! They are a real study tool. Make some useful study cards and carry them around with you, when you have some free time, like sitting in the bus, use them! Post them on your mirror to review them when you are brushing your teeth or putting on make-up. You’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish.

8. Taking good notes
You should always try to take good notes! They are a must when you are reviewing them before a big test. Without good notes, you will need to reread and review the entire assignment before a test – no one wants to read hundreds of pages of material in one sitting. With notes, you can recall the main points in just a fraction of the time.

9. Over learning material enhances memory
Psychologists have said that the secret to learning is over learning. Experts suggest that after you can say that you know the material, you should learn it for a bit longer. Recitation is the best way to etch something into your memory, so rather be the student that over learned than the one who didn’t.

10. Reviewing material frequently 
A student who does not go through their work and review it frequently can forget up to 80% of what they have learnt. Reviewing your work early can help prevent you from forgetting and help you remember for much longer. Frequent reviews throughout the course will bring rewards at test time and get rid of anxiety.

Yes, these ten study methods do work, but there is one other component that you need when using them – take responsibility. All the study methods in the world won’t work if you don’t help yourself. Keep this motto in mind, “I’m responsible for my success!”
