4 homeschool books every mother should read

How does a mom that has chosen homeschooling get the support she requires? Well, these five homeschool books offer academic and emotional support you need now that you have decided homeschool is the right route.

How do you motivate a reluctant student? What’s the best way to manage your time? Debra Bell’s book, The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling, provides concrete solutions to your everyday dilemmas.
Whether you have questions about organisation, assessment, or behaviour, this handy reference is a must-have for all homeschool bookshelves. The content that she writes is applicable to any home schooling environment.

In her book, Cynthia Ulrich Tobias explores four different modes of thinking: Concrete Sequential, Abstract Sequential, Abstract Random, and Concrete Random. It was not written specifically for homeschoolers, but you can use it to tailor your child’s learning experience nonetheless.

A homeschooling mom may feel bad about herself because her home is messy, her children eat fast food, or her teaching skills are lacking. Todd Wilson is the husband of a homeschooling mother of eight children, and he addresses the “lies” insecure mothers believe about themselves.

Charity Hawkins’ fictional novel, The Homeschool Experiment, paints an honest portrait of the thrills and spills of homeschool life. It tells the story of Julianne, homeschooling mom and heroine, and her experience as a young woman who chose homeschooling.

This book resonates with homeschool parents and provides lots of practical teaching ideas along the way. It’s also a great read for non-homeschooling adults who want to know what life is like on the other side!

It can be very difficult for homeschooling parents to find the support and information they need. In addition to using these homeschool books, you can take a look at The Assisted Learning Centre’s website – a college that supervises and tutors students.
