Helpful hints that students can follow to set up a reasonable routine

Too much mental, emotional and physical exhaustion can sometimes cause a student to feel burnt out. Most people can experience it from time to time, and it can lead to sitting on the couch and watching series for hours. Here are some tips to read and use to set up a reasonable routine and avoid that burnt out feeling.

* Create a to-do list at the end of the day before, for the next day
This will set you up for the next day. You will have a plan ready to go first thing in the morning. In addition, it will let your brain relax at night and get some restful sleep.

* Have a dedicated area for school
This should be an area that is just for school work. The key is to remove any distractions. You can use all sorts of spaces in your home, library or location near your school. A sheet can even be used to build a “wall” and section off a quiet area.

* Turn off the TV!
This can be a hard one for sure. If you like the white noise or the sound, try turning on some classical music, film scores or string quartets on an internet streaming radio station.

* Have a notebook for each class (written or typed)
- This will help you stay organized. You can use whatever material you have on hand. A stationary store will have a great selection of binders, notebooks and other school supplies.
- Use a Word document for each lesson and keep them in a file for each class.
- Google Docs is a great tool and it uses online storage space.
- Take advantage of web tools to keep organized.

* Some additional strategies
- Slow down! Take the day a bit slower, but don’t procrastinate.
- Exercise. This can be anything even a short walk with the dog.
- Understand your major stress topics (is it math or reading, etc.) Have some strategies in place for dealing with these high stress points.
- Sometimes it is okay to walk away from your computer. Just step away and take a break – you can do it!

Approach each day as a new one. There will always be things that happen in life, we get sick, the car breaks down or the toilet overflows – life happens. If you have a great schedule that works with you, you can get some extra tasks done and work around anything that pops up.

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