How to convince your parents to let you home school

Do you think that homeschooling is the best option for you? Then you have to do your research before you talk to your parents about it. It’s important to use facts and logic to make them see the benefits, and as you do your research you will see if homeschooling is really right for you.

Think about why you want to do home school
Home school may be an option because your grades are down, you’re being bullied, social issues, or you just don’t seem to fit in at all. Remember this for when you talk to your parents.

Do your research
Look into all the different home school options. Find out how much it cost, if there is a facilitator in your city or if you would prefer to be supervised and tutored at a college, like The Assisted Learning Centre in Fish Hoek.

Contact the local homeschooling groups
Start becoming friends with the people you meet in the home schooling groups so you won’t start out isolated. People transferring out of the system aren’t used to finding friends, so save yourself the trouble while you can. Plus you can ask them to have a chat with your parents.

List what you dislike about normal school
This may sound bad, but your parents need to know why you want to transfer to home schooling so desperately. Explain to them that at a tutor centre you will have one-on-one time with teachers and your grades will go up as a result of the improved environment.

Be more responsible
Do you chores and take on responsibilities to show your parents that you can handle the work load. If you are having trouble at school, think about cleaning up your act.

If they say no, don’t give up!
Your parents may be set in their ways at first, but once you explain to them the benefits of homeschooling and how much it could improve your education they could change their mind!

Before you talk to your parents make sure you are fully prepared. Sooner or later they will see that home schooling is far cheaper, efficient and lands better results in life than normal schooling. 
