Why do people home school?

Home schooling isn’t for everyone, but it definitely has its advantages. Home schooling can free up so much of your child’s time, it can lower stress levels and it often results in better scores on tests. But, many people find the idea a bit daunting.

One way to ease the way is to home school with the help of tutors. Home schooling with tutors allows the benefits of home schooling, but the parents have support and it costs far less then private school fees. If your child needs tutoring, enroll them at The Assisted Learning Centre today. ALC is a college in Fish Hoek that supervises and tutors grades 8 to 12.

Here are some great things about home schooling…

> Excellent Education <
The main goal of home schooling is to educate children. Because home schooling has so many advantages, there is simply no better way to educate your child.

1st Consider the items on this list. Many of these benefits are easy to understand and they obviously have a positive impact on children.
2nd It is a fact that home schooled children perform better on tests. Even if they are small differences, they are still extremely significant.
3rdHome schoolers are becoming sought-after for higher education. Many colleges and universities have started to modify their admission to encourage home schoolers to apply.

> Dedicated Teachers <
There is one factor that is every important in education and that is the student-to-teacher ratio. Other factors include the degree of connection between the student and the teacher and the amount of dedication the teacher has to a specific child.

The great thing is that home schooling excels in both these areas! Home schooling is done largely on a one-on-one basis, and there can’t be a better teacher-to-student ratio than that. In these two areas, which are both critical to your child’s education, home schooling is the best option.

> Tailored Education <
because home school is primarily focused on children as individuals, a child’s education can be tailored to their capabilities and personality. If a child excels in a specific area, his education in that area can be sped up and if they struggle in a certain area, extra resources can be used to help.

Also the way children are taught can be based on how the child best learns because of the child’s personality. Home school provides the opportunity for a child’s education to be designed for that child.

> Consistent Education <
Because a home schooled child’s education is managed by the same person, that education can be consistent with a long-term plan in which each topic is taught and the experience gained benefits seamlessly with those that have come before. 

> Teaching Materials <
Home schoolers have access to the best teaching materials available. And, teaching materials can be selected based on a child’s individual needs and capabilities.
