How to beat exam stress in 10 easy ways!

Every student who aims to become a high-achiever will experience exam stress. It’s an unavoidable part of student life that can be a tough nut to crack. Remember, stress exists for a reason and you can choose to let it be your downfall or use it to drive you to improve your work.

To combat exam stress, firstly you need to understand the reasons behind this heightened anxiety. Then you can establish methods to reduce the pressures you feel. Researchers have uncovered some common explanations for this:

- Low motivation levels
- Lack of preparation and planning
- High expectations from others
- Competition from peers

The difference between a student who allows stress to overwhelm them and someone who uses it to push them harder is what they do when they are facing that brick wall mid-study. Admirable students will pause, reflect and choose a path that will help them overcome the impasse, not just wait for the wave to engulf them.

Outlined below are some unexpected ways that you can put those negative feelings to one side and concentrate on your learning goals. If you’re not stuck for inspiration at this moment (maybe you’re procrastinating by reading this?), you may be looking for this advice before your exams, so take note!

- Listen to Classical Music

- Take a Quick Walk

- Plan your Study Routine

- Play with Bubble Wrap and Puppies

- Try to Get Enough Sleep

- Use Mobile Apps

- Give Your Mind Space

- Eating Dark Chocolate

- Let it All Out

- Break Free from Distractions

These 10 ways to combat exam stress may surprise you, but you’ll be shocked at how much they can help you. Have you got any more helpful tips on how to deal with exam stress? 

Enroll at The Assisted Learning Centre in Fish Hoek today! We can offer you the best teachers and excellent teaching material. 
