Time-saving Techniques for Teenagers

If you are productive with your school work and studies and do not waste time, then you can get on with your movie watching and whatever fun activities you enjoy. But if not... Here is how you save time and become more productive so you have more time to do the fun things in life.

Do Not Try To Multi-Task

Scientists have proven time and time again that people cannot multi-task more efficiently than they can do single things alone. People say that if you can pat your head and rub your belly at the same time, then you can multi-task. But that just proves that you can switch your attention very quickly and in rhythm.

Drawers Waste Time

Aren't drawers a nice place to put things so they are neat and away, but what if you really need something for a test you have to study for? You have to dig through drawer after drawer?  It may not look as nice, but put things on shelves, from your clothes to your books – you will locate things far quicker.

Just Clean Up

As a teenager, you know that your room is not as tidy as it should be. Maybe you are in that 5% that actually keeps things spick and span, but chances are that you are not. If you find a place for everything and you keep putting them back in those places, then it is impossible to lose anything.

TV and Music Is NOT Helping You Concentrate

We are the generation that was built up on TV and the Internet. You crave audio-visual stimulation and many people feel very uncomfortable in the silence without it. But, it has been proven that any noise and any movement will put you off.

Tiredness Is a Productivity Killer

The worst thing about tiredness is that it sneaks up on you. You may feel like you want to do your work and study for that test, but you find yourself being unproductive. It happens because you are tired. If you try sleeping for around an hour, you will notice just how tired you were.

Set a Timer on the Boring Things You Do

If you have a very boring report to write, you can sit around staring at the walls and writing seven sentences every 40 minutes, or you can push yourself to get it done. Put a timer on and time how long each section or chapter is taking you. Simply knowing how much time you are wasting, is often the kick in the pants that a teenager needs.

Do You Really Need To Do It?

The weird thing about time wasting is that we spend a lot of it doing things we don’t need to be doing. Do you really need to shred all your old documents? Do you really need to arrange all your movie folders from good to bad? Maybe you are wasting time because you are doing a task you really don’t need to be doing.

Do Smaller Tasks in a Mad Rush

This is an especially good tip for when you are doing chores. You see a list of things in your head and you slowly get on with it. Instead, do it in a mad dash as if your new boyfriend/girlfriend were coming over in 15 minutes.

Improve the Way You Do Things

A lot of time we waste is done through being inefficient. Figure out ways of doing what you are doing, but faster. Some things may only save you a few seconds every day, but that time is going to add up, especially in your daily life and routine.

Healthy Meals REALLY Do Make You More Productive

It sounds like something your grandma would tell you, but the fact is that eating a vegetable diet for a week will improve your mood significantly! Include a variety of vegetables and fruit and do not just eat the same things every day. After a week you will feel physically better and far more productive.

As a teenager, you should be trying to save time constantly. Use this fantastic list of time-saving techniques to help improve your daily life and school work.

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