What is your learning style?

Everyone learns in their own unique way. For some people it’s by what they see and for others it by what they experience and do. We are capable of learning in all different ways, but for most people one particular way of learning influences us the most.

Studies have shown that students perform better on tests and exams if they use study techniques tailored to their own personal style of learning.

The main idea is that by finding out what learning style your teen learns most effectively by, they can utilise the study techniques associated with that learning style. This means that the time spent studying could be a lot more productive and enjoyable… or at least less frustrating!

Here is a short multi-choice quiz that will calculate your teen’s predominant learning style.

Figuring out our predominant learning styles has really helped us a lot over the years. When we sit down to study we need to make sure we’re utilising study techniques that match our learning style. You may be mostly a visual learner, but you also like to use the read and write methods.

The Assisted Learning Centre is a college that supervises and tutors students from grade 8 - 12. Enroll your teenager today if you are interested in going the homeschooling route, we pride ourselves on having the best teachers and learning recources
