Study Hacks to Improve your Memory

Here are some of the best study hacks to help your brain remember information quicker and easier and ultimately help you do better in your exams or tests.

Walk before an exam – It has been proven that exercise can boost your memory and brain power.

Speak out loud – Although this can make you look a little crazy, you will remember better when you say it out loud.

Reward yourself – This may sound silly, but it will motivate you more to study.

Teach what you have learned – The best way to test if you understand something is to teach it to someone else.

Create mental associations – The ability to make connections is an easier way to remember information. Mind maps are a good idea.

Draw diagrams – Drawing diagrams will help you to visualize information which would be hard to describe.

Times New Roman is the fastest font to read – There is a reason it is the default font on most applications.

Use apps to block distracting sites – The SelfControl app helps you to avoid distractions and concentrate on what is needed.

Watch a documentary on the topic – Documentaries are a great way to compact stories into one short time frame, allowing you to remember key details.

Create flashcards for quick memory buzz – Quickly test your knowledge of key concepts, definitions, quotes and formulas.

Improve your memory and ace that exam or test easily with these simple study hacks!

The Assisted Learning Centre is a college that supervises and tutors grades 8 to 12 learners. We are located in Fish Hoek on the False Bay side of the Cape Peninsula.
