Getting prepped for high school

We’re nearing the end of the year, and that means it’s time to prepare yourself for the first day of high school. So, what is the best way to keep from feeling nervous and confused? Action!

Orient yourself...

- Take a walk through the school and get a sense of how it’s laid out. Where are all your classrooms and how long will it take you to get from class to class.

- Meet teachers and school counselors. If you take the time out to introduce yourself, you’ll be more likely to stand out from the crowd.

- Find out what clubs and sports you can join.

- Meet your fellow students. Be sure to smile and be friendly, especially to those who you know will be in your classes.

Here are a few dos and don’ts for your first day of high school…

> Don’t procrastinate
Procrastination is your worst enemy. Create a schedule and stick to it!

> Do make an older friend
Befriend someone who can give you the low-down on teachers, classes and all the ins and outs.

> Don’t skip class
It can be really hard to catch up on even one class, so make sure you’re there, no matter how much you don’t want to.

> Do be on time
Teachers will respect you if you get to class on time and show that you’re taking your learning seriously.

> Don’t give in to peer pressure
Listen to the beat of your own drum! People will respect you and gravitate towards to if you choose not to follow the crowd.

> Do challenge yourself
Instead of going for the easy A, broaden your horizons.

If you’re a bit freaked out about making the leap to high school, breathe easy and follow these tips and steps to being prepared. Don’t worry; you’ve got your first high school year in the bag!

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