Improve studying with these 5 unique techniques

It can be really difficult to convince a teenager to sit down and study after school ends, after 15 minutes you may find that they have completely lost concentration. You may feel you’re at your wits end, luckily there is hope for your teen!

Here are five unorthodox techniques that might be the key to getting your teenager to improve their study habits and focus.

1. Take a Nap

The one thing that can really slow success is sleep deprivation. Losing just one hour of sleep can affect mental acuity. Good grades are also strongly correlated with higher average amounts of sleep.

2. Take a Lap

what do you do if napping isn’t an option? Do some exercise! Physical activity wakes up the brain for learning and a regular exercise schedule can increase blood flow to the memory and learning centres of the brain by 30%.

3. Have Some Salmon

Studies have shown that high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood aid concentration and learning. Students who choose to eat salmon will perform better on ready and memory tasks and show fewer behaviour problems. Other sources of omega-3 include flaxseed and walnuts.

4. Add Some Motivation

It may seem like bribery, and maybe it is, but offer a reward and it will give your teen extra motivation to study. It doesn’t have to be something elaborate, just something simple, like their favourite chocolate or some extra TV time.

5. Take “Tech Breaks”

You probably already know that breaks are important, but “tech breaks” can be even more effective and rewarding. Rather than banning cell phones, tablets and other tech, give one minute tech breaks to check Facebook and reply to messages for every 10 minutes of studying. Or give 15 minutes to watch TV or play games for every 30 minutes of studying.

While some parents may think these study methods are unusual, no harm will be done by simply trying them out. Who would’ve though the salmon-eating child running laps around the block would be the smartest teen in class?

Enroll at The Assisted Learning Centre, where we provide only the highest quality learning resources and the most qualified teachers in the Southern Hemisphere!  
