When is the right time to talk to your kids about college?

Education is all about influence. If you show your children that you believe school is important by making it a priority, holding high expectations, encouraging them to work hard and caring about their school work, then you will have a positive impact.

This is similar for college education. If you talk with your children about college, this will set the belief that college is an important part of the life journey.

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So, when do you really start talking about college? Well, it’s one thing to be a good example and tell your children how important college is, but it’s another thing to start talking about college as a reality. It is suggested that primary school is a good time for students to start thinking about college. This is also a good time for parents to begin chatting with their children about their interests and strengths as potential career possibilities. You don’t have to go overboard, but having this conversation isn’t a bad idea.

Once a student is in high school, there is a lot to do to get prepared for college. Here are some ideas…

>> Encourage your child to stay motivated and focused by setting goals each year.

>> Make it a habit to check in often about tests, homework and other school issues.

>> Encourage your child to take the most challenging courses they can handle.

>> Take a visit to a college. Walk around and get a feel for the campus life and show your child areas of the school that might be of interest to them.

>> Talk about the importance of college and keeping a good job. As your child becomes more knowledgeable about money, inform them about the earnings of people with different degrees.

>> Discuss how fun college can be. The more you make it sound like an enjoyable worthwhile endeavor the more your child will want to go.

As a parent, you have a tremendous influence on your children, so a college discussion is an important thing for your children. When did you start talking about college?
