8 fun-filled activities to do with your teen

Raising a teenager doesn’t have to be as bad as it sounds, does it? In fact, raising teens can be the most enjoyable parenting task. At The Assisted Learning Centre, situated in the coastal town of Fish Hoek, we decided on 8 fun things to do with your teens:

1. Reminisce

Most likely when you look at your teen, you still see the little child they once was. Pull out the old photos and videos and sit down with your older child. They will have so much fun seeing pictures of themselves and hearing old stories. Another idea is to visit their elementary school. If you find past teachers, be sure to take pictures!

2. Play sports

If your teen is into sports, get out there and play with them. Good-natured competition teaches many great lessons. Put up a basketball goal in the driveway. Toss baseball or a football in the yard. Tennis. Soccer. There is so much fun to be had.

3. Catch a movie

They might force you to take them to a theatre none of their friends will be at, but go along with it. Make it a monthly date. Just you and your teen. Check out many different genres and talk about them afterwards. Girls will especially like the talking. If your teens are boys, maybe just go get a shake after and talk about the stuff that blew up.

4. The great outdoors

Whether you rent a cabin, rough it tough-guy style, or just go hiking for a day, get outside and have fun! Adventuring in nature never disappoints.

5. Big parks, big fun

Not much can rival the fun of a big amusement park. Wherever you live, there is one within driving distance. As long as you are in good health, get out there with your teen and have a blast. Do not be chicken to get on that big coaster! The shared adrenaline rush as your stomach feels like it leaves your body will be a moment neither of you will forget.

6. Community service

It’s important your teen learns that the world really doesn’t revolve around them. This doesn’t have to be a tough lesson however. There are endless opportunities to volunteer that are rewarding as well as great fun. Working side by side with your teen for a cause bigger than yourselves will bond you in a mighty, joyous way.

7. Hit the road

From coast to coast to everything in between, the world consists of stunning beauty. Make sure your child gets to see it up close and personal. Find quirky places to visit. The people, the food, the scenery and the fun will create shared, lifelong memories.

8. Bowling

If it was good enough for Fred Flintstone, it’s good enough for you. Something about the game of bowling brings out the best in families. Have you ever seen many frowns at a bowling alley? Maybe it’s the simple nature of the sport and the obvious lack of pretension in the building that puts one at ease. Grab some of that fun bowling alley food and get ready for the big grins.

If all your ideas seem lame to your teen, let them decide what they would like to do as long as it’s within reason. You may learn something you never knew about them or possibly even yourself. Give them control and go with the flow!
