11 signs that teens are actually just giant toddlers

When you look at teenagers, you can’t help but think that maybe the toddlers they used to be are still hiding somewhere inside. Once you think about it, you’ll start to see the signs and similarities everywhere…

How so? Well…

1. Without plenty of sugar, they turn into monsters

2. Their stomachs are bottomless pits

3. They always have funny things on their faces – toddlers have bits of food and dirt, teens have acne

4. They throw tantrums, especially if they are

5. When that specific pair of blue jeans or that pink tutu is in the wash, they don’t have ANYTHING to wear

6. They don’t always form complete sentences and usually just grunt to communicate

7. Grammatically correct sentences are a rare occasion. E.g. “Me tie shwoes” or “I was all, like, totally bru”

8. They are so sweet – when they’re sleeping

9. They give the best hugs & have the best laughs

10. They make questionable fashion choice, but always insist on dressing themselves

11. They’re super smart. Ever tried to help a teen with homework? Or asked a toddler to explain all about dinosaurs?

Teens are, in fact, very similar to toddlers, only bigger!

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