Teen Driving Tips: Gaining Experience

Practice, practice, practice. That is the key! Don’t worry about making mistakes, because no one is a perfect driver. If you are a new driver, you will be more likely to mess up – here are a few tips to start off...

Good Practices:

- Know your car and the basics – changing a tire, checking the oil, jump-starting the car

- Always let someone know where you are going 

- In the beginning try to only drive short distances, as you become more experienced you can start to drive further

- Never speed up when the light is orange, even if you think you can make it. Accidents happen and they are more likely when a new driver is at the wheel

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Always be Aware:

- It may seem tempting to drive around with all of your friends, but it can be distracting so make sure to limit it to only one passenger at a time

- Don’t drive in the dark if you’re not experienced in driving during the day. It is harder to see at night and drunk drivers are more likely to be around

- Be aware of everyone around you, because they may not see you. Make sure to always use your signals, mirrors, lights and seat belt

Quick Tip: Never underestimate the value of knowing the basics. Something as simple as glancing at your mirror or letting someone know where you’re going can make all the difference in the world.
