Important Things every Teen Should Know about Acne

Acne affects millions of teens all over the world, so we need to know the facts about it and how to treat it properly.

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Read on to find out the most important things every teen should know about acne...

- 80% of adult acne occurs in women
- 75% of 11-30 year olds will get acne at some point in their lives
- 25% of people will get acne scars

The most common areas for acne to develop are:

Chest 15%
Back 60%
Face 99%

Here are the different types of acne:

Whiteheads – Stays under the skin.

Blackheads – Goes to the surface of the skin and appear black.

Papules – Small, sensitive pink bump.

Pustules – Red at the bottom with pus at the top. This is known as a pimple.

Nodules/Cysts – Inflamed and very painful pimple deep under the skin.

You cannot hide from acne, it knows where you live and it can affect anyone, no matter who you are. So, what are some of the main causes of acne?

- Hormones
- Genetics
- Certain medications
- Environment
- Diet
- Stress
- Cosmetics
- Infection

Don’t believe these myths about acne...

FALSE Eating chocolate and drinking sugary drinks causes breakouts
FALSEWashing your face obsessively prevents breakouts
FALSEPopping your pimples will make them go away faster

People who wait for the acne to magically disappear by itself are at risk of having scars forever, it’s best to start treating it early...

- 40% do nothing
- 30% use over the counter medication
- 20% go to the dermatologist
- 10% go and see their doctor

Did you know that 92% of people who get severe acne have felt depressed? And even 14% have felt suicidal?

Don’t let acne get the better of you, here’s how to prevent and treat acne...

Image result for acne treatmentPREVENTION
Eat healthier foods * Stay away from high-glycemic foods like bread, rice, potatoes
Exercise everyday * This will regulate hormones, deliver oxygen to your skin and carry cell wastage away
Deal with stress * Get more sleep and focus on doing things that make you happy
Hydrate your body * Drinking water throughout the day increases the blood flow throughout your body

- Prescription medications
- Antibiotics
- Laser / light treatment
- Oral contraceptives
- Cosmetic procedures
- Home remedies

It’s time to get your acne under control, learn the facts today!

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