Teaching your Children about Manners

A child being rude isn’t always their fault – sometimes kids just don’t realise what is impolite and what isn’t!

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Help your child master these simple etiquette rules and you’ll have a polite, kind, well-mannered child in no time…

#1 Always say “Please” when asking for something

#2 When someone gives you something day “Thank you”

#3 Don’t interrupt grown-ups who are speaking unless it is extremely important

#4 When you need to get someone’s attention, say “excuse me”

#5 Ask permission before doing something you’re not sure of

#6 Do not be rude and comment on other people’s looks or physical characteristics

#7 If someone asks how you are, reply and ask them how they are

#8 When you spend time at your friend’s house, always thank the parents for having you over

#9 Always knock on the door before entering

#10 Never use foul language!

Reinforce these top ten rules about manners and you’ll child will get notice for all the right reasons!

The Assisted Learning Centre is a school located in the coastal town of Fish Hoek - enrol today to ensure your child has the best possible education!
