How Parents can help their Children Stay Safe on Facebook

Everyone knows about Facebook and just about every single person uses it – from grandparents to young children.

Image result for teen on social media

Using Facebook may be fun to post pictures, articles, chat with friends, etc. but it can also be quite risky!

As a parent you need to take certain safety precautions to make sure your kids are safe on the biggest social media platform in the world…

1. Facebook security check-up

One of the most important security tips for Facebook is to make sure you use a password that is unique for your account and no other! You should also remember to log out of Facebook when you are not using it anymore as well turn on login alerts so you can see if someone is attempting to gain access to your account.

2. Add extra security

We all need extra security especially children and teens who may be less cautious about possible hackers. Go to Facebook’s security settings page where you will find extra security measures that can be put in place.

3. Add a second layer of authorization

If you children use public computers on a regular basis, then having two factor authorization is a must-have! Here’s how to enable it:

- Click Settings > Security and Login
- Scroll to Use two-factor authentication and click Edit
- Choose the authentication method you want to use and follow the on-screen instructions
- Click Enable

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4. Be aware of scams

If you see a post that you think is a scam, report it immediately! There are many different types of scams, whether it is someone advertising low interest loans or fake lottery winnings, etc. Remind your children to use caution when connecting with people on Facebook.

5. Photo sharing and privacy

You can control who sees your photos, so when you share one make sure to click on the globe at the bottom and choose who can see it. Children need to be cautious, as well as adults, about sharing photos because it is so easy for strangers to save and share it!

There is always a chance that someone could take advantage of those who use social media, especially children!

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